Lumen Athletics:
What is Lumen Athletics?
At Lumen Athletics we provide a comprehensive strength & conditioning program for all high school and junior high school-age athletes. Our
approach to strength and conditioning is holistic: mind and body. Our services are geared towards aerobic athletes and anaerobic athletes, team sport athletes as well as individual sport athletes. Come one, come all.

Why Choose
Lumen Athletics?
Our Services
What Our Athletes & Their Parents are Saying.

Frequently Asked Questions
There is no ideal age per se, to start a strength and conditioning program. When considering a strength and conditioning program for your athlete you want to look at the athlete’s chronological age (physical maturity) and their training age (time in structured physical activity). Contact us if you have more questions about your athlete’s readiness for a structured strength and conditioning program.
A block of training is called a mesocycle, typically it is a 4-6 week period of training and it could entail any number of physical skills i.e. strength, speed, power, change of direction/agility, cardiovascular endurance, etc
- Athlete Assessment
- Needs Analysis
- Priming for performance
- Nutritional consultation
- Recovery consultation
- Off-season, pre-season, in-season training program
- Call for pricing